Monday, August 10, 2009

What is "running my iowa" mean

So mostly just my family knows that i started to train to a 5k. I am following the program couch to 5k, and im loving it. Its a 9 week program to take you from sitting on your butt to running/jogging a 5k. I am now on week 6 and my butt has been kicked but i love it.
There were a couple reasons to actually start this:

-Logan is carpooling with a guy who lives out in Matlock too that drives into Shelton for the bus that takes them to the shipyard in Bremerton. He meets the guy a mile down the road and right now we have one good working car so I need to pick the car up.
-Im lazy and i really need to lose weight. not beating around the bush
-THE MAIN REASON and the whole explaniation to "my iowa" is that my dad just recently rode his bike in the RAGBRAI, its a bike race from west border of Iowa to the east border of Iowa and it went from Sunday to Saturday and they rode like 70 miles or something like that a day. If my Dad who has shoulder and knee problems and is not a well, sorry Dad, spring chicken, can do this why can't I do a simple 5k?

Now im only 23 years old and I'm over weight, out of shape and this is not something i want for Kason or future children. I started the program last summer and then quiet in week 4. not this time. I am already one day into week 6 and still going.
I am registering for my first 5k on September 13th called the Bank to Bay and im super excited for it. I know im not going to be the first one to finish, the most athletic one there, the fastest or anything like that, but i will finish and i will be proud of what i have accomplished.

My Dad knows that i am running but he doesnt know the real reason, and well Dad now you do, I am doing this because you have inspired me. You are such a wonderful and amazing example for doing something you wanted to do. You wanted to go and do this ride for a while and you trained your butt on, rain or shine, and you did it!!!

I want to acomplish this goal. When i run across that finish line it will be for two reasons: to prove to myself that i can do anything i set my mind to, and to show my father that is an amazing example and I appericate everything he does.

When i jog and my legs are burning, my lungs are empty, my face is hot, and my feet feel like they may fall off I look out at the mountain range that surrounds my country home and yell "THIS IS MY IOWA" and guess what?
I continue.
I keep running.
I keep moving.
I keep on keepin on.
I continue to make a better life for myself and those around me.
Thank you Dad for being amazing and showing my that i can do anything i put my mind to.


Lynn said...

Good for you Laura! I'm also in training to run a 5K. My first race is September 12 (I think).

My son is a high school Freshman this year, on the cross country team. I'm running in the Open Class of his first home meet! Nervous as all get out!!

I have 5 children. I'm 36. I'm also overweight.

If you're on NikeRunning site, look me up! My user name is lynning - Donna Downey is on there too! She was my inspiration.

Amy said...
